The KFC we often visit is actually built with light steel!
2024-04-10 22:08

Through this case, we need to address the following questions:
How large a module can be built for overall lifting?
Can the roof hold a central air-conditioning unit?
How should the ductwork and trays be routed?

Simultaneous construction of roof framing and walls offers greater speed and safety. It transforms the need for high-altitude operations into regular work, thereby improving efficiency. The core of this work lies in the precision of the cold-formed thin-walled steel processing equipment.

The overall lifting of roof framing

Cantilevered canopy

On-site fabrication of truss beams and vertical wall keels. Please note that no anti-pullout connection components have been installed, but a solution will be provided later.

It is noteworthy that the top of the wall, similar to a fortification, features crenels, with each recess corresponding to the position of the truss beam. This fully utilizes the advantages of the light steel system, which boasts high automation and ease of processing, eliminating the need for on-site surveying and alignment.

Additional cladding keels are added on site, and for large-span truss beams, besides enclosing the upper and lower chord members, the lateral cladding keels are also utilized.

The lower part of the wall adopts cast-in-place concrete, which ties the wall and foundation together while serving as a waterproof platform. This can be understood as a rigid connection, providing superior mechanical performance.

Entering the renovation phase

The total construction period is 54 days. The light steel housing system adopts factory-processed components and on-site assembly, without the need for curing, so the construction speed is 30%-50% faster than that of ordinary brick-concrete structures. The entire construction process is divided into eight major steps: foundation construction, wall installation, roof installation, structural sealing, exterior wall insulation, interior decoration, exterior decoration, and completion and delivery. The construction period for a rough house excluding foundation construction is 1-2 months, while the construction period for a finely decorated house is 2-3 months.

The installation time for the ultra-light steel main structure of a 100-square-meter house only requires 4-5 days, and the overall construction period is at least halved compared to traditional buildings.